Your support is welcome!
At Crescimento Limpo, we strive to do everything we put our hands to with excellence. This work is a life mission and a calling before God, who has been faithful in allowing us to continue. We are looking for partners to be part of this mission through financial support. Our intention is not to promote ourselves; we do not have and will not have partners who use our services for political gain.
Our intention is to create opportunities for those looking for a fresh start.
Clean Growth relies on the support of those who want to join forces with us and with God to bless their neighbors in our city.
Partners who make a monthly donation are essential to our continued service. We encourage you to consider making a monthly donation of the amount you would spend on a day of fun at home – whether that’s $20, $50, or $200.
Bank Details
Pix (CNPJ): 14.034.643/0001-60
Deposit account:
Bank of Brazil
Clean Growth Association
CNPJ: 14.034.643/0001-60
Ag 0354-9
CC 64599-0
We remind you that you are not required to identify yourself when making a donation, but if you feel comfortable doing so, we ask that you send your proof of donation to the email
We appreciate your support and trust!
Everything Renews!